Friday, January 14, 2011

To Annette

To Annette: We had so much fun creating this blog for you. I highly suggest you start beading, like, right now. Happy Birthday.

-gab coulter & co.
(now I'll make you the author and kick myself out)


Unknown said...

Yay! Annette has a beading blog!!!

Katie said...

Hi, Annette. Happy Birthday! God grant you many, many years! You may not exactly know me, but I'm Vivi's penpal for three years.

I look forward to reading your blog!

Madeleine said...

Happy Birthday Annette! Have fun beading and blogging!


Marina said...

If you ever need help changing the blog design or have technical problems, I will be your official tech support engineer.

Sara said...

Yay!! I'm so happy you have a blog now! I'll enjoy reading it!